Sunday 8 January 2012

First post of 2012!

I know we're a week into our new year but I hope for all my loved ones, family, friends, mentors, acquaintances, enemies (if they exist), and those that I may not know but that need the support, a year filled with intention, consciousness, wellbeing and healing, unconditional compassion and gratitude, as well as a lot of love.

I've been delinquent in posting, and, I must admit, it's because I'm pretty run down and spread thin! I'm a big preacher of balance and so while I've already set my intentions in October for the year ahead, I'm committed to regaining control and equilibrium and have loads to update on now that the holiday madness is over. Entries will come when I'm caught up and can spare some time to writing.
In the meantime, I leave you with this amazing Gotye cover by Walk off the Earth. Been playing it on repeat!

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