Monday 13 June 2011

bonne fête maman!

What a nice treat to be finished early today although I felt a) bad for those that were supposed to do their presentations for the class because of the anticipation they'd endured thinking it would be today and then going through that emotional up and down and b) that we'd have 3 less hours with each other and all amazing things yoga! But I quickly got over it and it felt so good to get a few more hours in the day.

After a little treatment time with Dina T. (our most amazing anatomy teacher, yoga teacher, co-owner of several Moksha studios, and now friend) who worked on my scar, I got on the city bus to go to my parents' place. There was a blind fella with his service dog on the bus and I watched them interact. It was beautiful, their connection - being a guide is this dog's full-time job but their relationship seemed so clearly defined. I sat on the bus, tears running down my cheeks, both because of how much I am missing Tao but also because I feel like I don't know how to appreciate MORE what I have in life so that I don't take things like sight for granted.  I got to my parents' place, emotionally drained, and had a nice dinner with my maman, on her birthday, AND we treated ourselves to an ice cream cone. I am now ready for bed, feeling centered and grounded.

The above paragraph is a disjointed whirlwind of thoughts but it relates to the video I am posting tonight - from the energy I felt in Dina's hands and mind, to the connection I saw between the man and his dog on the bus, to the healing of family and friends.

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